Our Services

Our Approach

Our approach is to work with our clients to develop their in-house collective and individual competencies in order to enable them to take control of their own BCM programmes.  To that end, we provide expert advice and assistance with writing plans and designing appropriate crisis management structures as well as delivering specifically tailored and appropriately focussed training.  Ultimately, our belief is that good people, who are well prepared and working to a well-structured plan can always deliver in a crisis.

Business Impact Analysis (BIA)

Business Impact Analysis is the detailed, often forensic, process of analysing activities and the effect that a business disruption may have upon them.

In detail…

  • Purpose: identifies the activities that are time-critical to the business, their tolerance to interruption, and the actions that need to be taken should they be disrupted.
  • Methodology: workshops and interviews with subject matter experts delivered and facilitated by an expert Russell Philips consultant or by in-house staff whom we have trained.
  • Output: a clear statement of the critical activities, target recovery times and work-arounds that then feed directly into the organisation’s business continuity plans.

Business Continuity Plans (BCPs)

Business Continuity Plans contain documented procedures that guide organisations to respond, recover, resume and restore to a pre-defined level of operation following a disruption.

In detail…

  • Purpose: the BCP is a structured process that allows an organisation to recover to business as usual in the quickest possible time following a business disruption.
  • Methodology: the BCP is developed incorporating the detailed work conducted on the BIA. It identifies the people, processes, premises and procedures required to be activated in the event of a business disruption.
  • Output: a detailed, yet simple plan to be activated by those responsible for business recovery following a disruption.

Crisis Management Plans (CMPs)

A crisis is a situation with a high level of uncertainty that disrupts the core activities and / or credibility of an organisation and requires urgent action to address it.  The Crisis Management Plan therefore, is the document that outlines the people, resources, premises and processes that an organisation will use to respond in such circumstances.

In detail…

  • Purpose: the CMP identifies the structures and formalises the response processes to be activated and used in the event of a serious incident occurring. It can be subsumed into the Business Continuity Plan, or the Contingency Plan, or, in certain circumstances, it can be a standalone document.
  • Methodology: conduct a detailed risk analysis and review of the organisation’s own Risk Register where appropriate.  Then design a detailed plan and response structure taking into account the organisation’s own appetite for risk, its business culture, and its ethos.
  • Output: a formally constituted crisis / serious incident response mechanism that is well-rehearsed in its ability to react to, and recover from, any serious incident – be it foreseen or otherwise.

Contingency Planning for High Impact Threats

A Contingency Plan is a pre-defined course of action that is designed to help an organisation recognise and respond to a significant future event or catastrophic situation that could, but has not yet, occurred.

In detail…

  • Purpose: to improve the capability of an organisation to maintain its business outputs even when confronted by specific high-impact threats that could severely disrupt its staff and / or operations.
  • Methodology: conduct thorough horizon-scanning to identify, understand and anticipate foreseeable high-impact threats to the business and turning that analysis into a workable plan
  • Output: a robust plan that can be quickly activated in the event of a particular contingency, or something similar, occurring. This reinforces the organisation’s resilience, including that of their third party suppliers and other stakeholders, thereby giving the business enterprise a competitive advantage.

Training and Exercises

Plans are ‘living’ documents that need to be updated, rehearsed and used by those responsible for enacting them.  It is too late to study the plan – or indeed to search for it – when confronted by a serious incident or crisis.  Training those responsible for resolving crises is an essential element of resilience preparation.

In detail…

  • Purpose: to validate and update plans, rehearse contingencies, and familiarise and train staff how to react in the event of an unexpected serious incident or crisis.
  • Methodology: in discussion with the client, design the most appropriate type of exercise to be used ranging from a discussion-based exercise to a live or semi-live exercise set within a realistic scenario.
  • Output: a well-rehearsed response structure working to an updated and familiar plan which is capable of recognising and reacting to a developing situation and restoring outputs to business as usual within the shortest possible time.